
We believe that looking smart and dressing smartly for the academic day is an important part of Academy life. It sends out a message to peers and the wider community that Attleborough Academy is a place of importance and endeavour that takes pride in itself and everything it does. It promotes high standards and expectations and sends out a firm signal of the attitudes and the behaviour required inside the Academy to promote effective learning.

School Uniform Policy

Attleborough Academy therefore requires all students to wear a school uniform. Our school uniform helps our students to feel part of our school community and has been chosen to be comfortable and appropriate for the activities students will undertake during the school day.

In June 2020, the Academy transferred to the Sapientia Education Trust and as a result, we began phasing in the new uniform starting with the Year 7 students who commenced at the Academy in September 2020. 

Government Guidance on the Cost of School Uniforms

In the Autumn of 2021, the Government issued new guidance to schools on uniform. The aim of this guidance was to minimise the cost of uniform for parents through a reduction in school branded items, allowing parents to purchase uniform from a wider range of suppliers.

Attleborough Academy and the Sapientia Education Trust fully support making school uniform affordable and accessible for all children, and we have reviewed and changed our school uniform to reflect the requirements outlined in the statutory guidance.

School Uniform Requirements

Branded Items

From September 2023 we reduced the number of branded school uniform items required. These branded items will now also be available from multiple suppliers allowing parents to choose the most convenient and cost-effective solution for their needs.

There is no expectation that parents will need to replace branded items with non-branded items and students can continue to wear branded items that are no longer a requirement.

If you are struggling to access any item of uniform during the school year, please contact the Student Support Team for guidance and support.

Unbranded Items

Parents will need to ensure that uniform follows the school requirements which are provided below but can purchase uniform items from any retailer.

Uniform Exchange

Attleborough Academy also encourages all parents to share unwanted items, branded or unbranded, using the school’s Pre-Loved Uniform service, details of which are provided below.

Our Uniform

Whilst we have reduced the requirement for branded uniform items, it is still important that or uniform policy is followed to provide a shared identity for all students in our school. Our Student Behaviour and Discipline Policy provides further details of the systems and sanctions regarding uniform compliance.

Academy Uniform Requirements Website 2024-2025Local Specialist Supplier Information (alphabetical)
Below are the contact details for local specialist suppliers with both online and retail shops who supply school uniform all year round.

Birds of Dereham: www.birdsofdereham.com
We are a long-established family-owned business. We are happy to ship to anywhere in the UK and if you have a panic situation and have been let down, then give us a call and we will always see what we can do to help. We won’t promise the impossible, but we will do our best to sort your requirements in a speedy, polite and professional way.

01362 692941 | 01362 699130
Unit D, 13 Yaxham Road, Dereham NR19 1HB

Stevensons: www.stevensons.co.uk
We combine the traditional service with a complete multi-channel offer, making ordering school uniform and sportswear easier than ever for parents. Our 24 hour online uniform shop offers an efficient and simple way to buy. Whilst for customers who prefer a more traditional shopping experience, our school wear specific retail shops offer a full fitting service. Our Customer Service Team are also available by phone or online chat, to help answer customer questions.

01603 622355
67 Ber Street, Norwich, Norfolk NR1 3AD

Supermarkets and High Street Retailers (alphabetical)
This section provides links to a range of alternative retail and supermarket suppliers. Stock availability may vary depending on the supplier and time of year.

Aldi www.aldi.co.uk
Amazon www.amazon.co.uk
Asda www.asda.com
John Lewis www.johnlewis.com
Lidl www.lidl.com
Marks and Spencer www.marksandspencer.com
Morrisons www.morrisons.com
Next www.next.com
Sainsburys www.sainsburys.com
Tesco www.tesco.com

Attleborough Academy's Pre-Loved Uniform Service
We have also set up a system whereby parents and carers can purchase secondhand uniform which became operational at the beginning of August 2023. On its first day of opening, the service proved itself to be a very popular and welcomed resource. Please contact the School Office on 01953 452335 for details about how to access this service outside of published open days.

Important Note
Parents and carers who are experiencing financial hardship in any aspect of the purchase of the school uniform should contact the Student Support Team.

School Shoes

The main area previously creating uniform issues has been footwear whereby some students have attempted to wear throughout the day high fashion trainer type shoes that although they may be black, are clearly not standard school shoes.

There is a new Government Act precisely aimed at ensuring that school uniforms are affordable and so we have updated our Uniform Policy to define more precisely that such high cost trainers, skater or canvas type shoes (e.g. those produced by Vans, Hi Tec, Nike, Adidas etc) are not considered school shoes in our policy.

Please support us and all other parents and carers in this measure from September by ensuring that your child comes to school in normal school shoes. This means they would normally have some sort of heel, be polishable and have no logos i.e. a standard black shoe! If you are purchasing new shoes for September, please be careful where retailers might put such canvas, skater, trainer type shoes on the shelf labelled ‘school shoes’. Trainer type shoes can still be worn for PE but not throughout the day (please refer to the Uniform section). If you are in doubt, please consult with our Student Support Team.


School Shoes

Shoes Considered Trainers

Shoes Considered Trainers

Shoes Not Considered Trainers

Summer Uniform

Summer Uniform

Summer uniform is optional and can only be worn during the Summer Term. Students may continue to wear their normal uniform as above if they so wish in this term. The majority of the requirements above remain in place for Summer uniform. The exceptions and alterations are set out below:

  • A light blue polo shirt (with the sleeves rolled down at all times) with the Academy logo may be worn instead of a shirt and tie.
  • Prefects can wear the ‘Prefect’ polo shirt – a dark blue polo shirt with the Academy logo.
  • If students choose to remain wearing the normal Academy uniform, the shirt can be long or short sleeved as long as it is plain white with a traditional collar and worn with the Academy tie. 
  • Plain black V-neck jumpers can continue to be worn over the Summer polo shirt. 
  • Requirements regarding blazers, shoes, trousers, skirts, hats and scarves, sweaters and cardigans, overcoats, belts, undershirts remain unaffected. 
  • Tailored shorts, available from our uniform suppliers (see below), may be worn during the Summer Term. No other shorts will be acceptable (no cargo or sports type shorts). Shorts must be worn with black socks and black school shoes only. 

Summer uniform simply means the option to wear a polo shirt instead of the shirt and tie. Students may also wear tailored shorts. The wearing of blazers therefore does not automatically become optional during the Summer Term.

Students will be expected to wear blazers in buildings and into assemblies even if they have chosen to wear a Summer uniform polo shirt underneath. They can, however, remove them in social times. As always, overcoats can be worn to and from the Academy as well as the blazer but overcoats must not replace the blazer – the basic rule is ‘blazer first’. If students are likely to be cold in classrooms, they can still bring and wear their black V-neck jumper over their polo shirt and their blazer. Hoodies are not permitted and will not be classed as a ‘coat’. In periods of hot weather and for students to benefit from being cooler by wearing the polo shirt, we will announce that blazers can be removed in buildings.

Adverse Weather

Adverse Weather

In the event of exceptional weather conditions, we will announce any changes to uniform expectations.



We discourage the wearing of jewellery for health and safety reasons but the following are acceptable:

  • One pair of ‘stud’ earrings
  • One watch
  • One additional wrist band (bracelet/charity band etc)
  • One small ring
  • Necklaces should not be visible

No body or facial piercings are permitted to be worn by students whilst in the Academy. Students will be expected to either remove them if visible and/or wear a retainer or a 'U' will be issued.


Make Up

Discreet make up may be worn. Students who take advantage of this privilege by wearing extreme cosmetics  (including overt false eye lashes) will be required to remove it/them. Nail varnish will need to be removed in Catering lessons.

False Nails

False Nails

For the purpose of health and safety, false nails (including gels) must not be worn in the Academy. We ask that parents and carers take particular note of this in order that the expense involved in such treatment is not wasted during term time.



Extreme hairstyles are not permitted. No extreme colours are permitted (the expectation is that if hair is dyed then only natural colours e.g. blonde, ginger, auburn, brunette or black are used).

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Person Protective Equipment (PPE)

Students are required to wear PPE where appropriate and when instructed to.

Physical Education Requirements

Physical Education Requirements

No jewellery may be worn in PE lessons and all piercings (including earrings) must be removed.

  • Gum guards must be worn for some PE lessons - when playing Rugby or Hockey, all students are required to wear a gum guard.  
  • Long hair must be tied up in PE lessons.
  • All valuables should be handed in at the start of the lesson. 

If a student is ill or injured, they are still required to bring their PE kit and get changed as they will be taking on such roles as a coach or an official within lessons. Please note the following with regard to this: 

  • The student’s kit should be suitable for the activity they are studying e.g. warm clothes (tracksuit) if outside or if they are suffering from a cold. 
  • The student should be supplied with a parental note to explain their reason for not being able to participate fully and to what degree they can participate. 
  • If the condition is long term, the PE department should be contacted by the parent or carer to discuss a suitable plan to ensure learning is continued. The student will not be expected to get changed if they have a condition which will be exacerbated by changing or cause undue discomfort e.g. broken limbs, severe back injuries. This should be made clear in a note to the PE Department.
  • If the injury affects the lower limb, PE kit for the upper body should be supplied e.g. if they have a sprained ankle, they change into a T-shirt (tracksuit top) only. 

PE Sanctions

The Academy PE kit is compulsory and it is important that all students abide by the Academy’s policy to ensure high standards and consistency is maintained.

If a student forgets their PE kit (and does not have a note to explain lack of kit), they will receive an ‘S’ for stationery and PE kit and will be expected to borrow an Academy PE kit.

If a student refuses to borrow an Academy PE kit, they will be removed from the lesson using the Yellow Card system and a Lunchtime Detention will be attached to Go4Schools.

If a student is unable to participate fully due to illness or injury, they must be provided with a parental note and bring appropriate PE kit. If they do not have a note it will be treated as forgotten kit. The parental note should be written into the Student Handbook. If there are legitimate reasons for a student being unable to bring the correct PE kit (e.g. moving house, problems with washing machine etc) then the student should arrive to lessons with a suitable sports kit and a note to explain why it is not the correct compulsory PE kit, giving a date when their kit will be rectified by.

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