The AA Curriculum

At Attleborough Academy, our curriculum is designed to promote our ethos of CARE (Commitment, Acknowledgement, Respect and Excellence). We aim to offer a broad, balanced and sequenced curriculum that meets the needs of every student, whilst offering opportunity to experience, enjoy and succeed in a wide range of subjects and additional experiences.  

Our curriculum aims to take students beyond what they already know and enables them to be more socially mobile. It ensures that students acquire knowledge that they would not ordinarily have access to and challenges them to achieve and exceed prior expectations. It also aims to give students a love of scholarship for its own sake. Together, these aims will lead to subsequent success in adult life in line with our philosophy to “Be the best you can be”.  

We see the importance of making the curriculum relevant and meaningful to students; that way it becomes transferable and allows them to build links across subject areas. Formative and summative assessment is used to capture student progress throughout the academic year. Gaps in knowledge, skills and depth of understanding are identified, informing future lesson planning, as well as subject specific curriculum design.  

Heads of Faculty and lead professionals are given a level of autonomy to structure and plan the teaching of their subject as they have the specialist knowledge and expertise. There are then robust systems for senior leaders to quality assure subject plans and ensure they are being adhered to.  

Our curriculum documentation sets out what we are aiming to achieve, how we plan to achieve it and how we check that it is working as planned. This includes explicitly identifying knowledge that is deemed crucial with the best way to deliver it. We have also spent time ensuring that we are delivering that core knowledge in the best sequence that we can, in order to introduce pupils to "the best that has been thought and said". Through the study of this essential knowledge, our aim is to ensure that our students are well educated future adult citizens.

Each subject area has a detailed plan of what they teach and when they teach it; summaries can be found in the individual subject pages. 

Subject Topic Plans

Year 7

AA year group topic plan 2021 2022 11 21

Year 8

AA year group topic plan 2021 2022 Year 8 1121

Year 9

AA year group topic plan 2021 2022 Year 9 1121

Year 10

AA year group topic plan 2021 2022 Year 10 1121

Year 11

AA year group topic plan 2021 2022 Year 11 1121

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