GCSE Options Process 2023/2024

Welcome to the section of our website devoted to helping students make their Year 9 Options choices. The combination of subjects that students elect to study during Key Stage 4, will allow doors to open for them to pursue their preferred career pathway when they are older so it is important we take our time to get it right.  

Due to positive feedback from parents, carers and students on how this evening was delivered last year, we have decided to continue the initial GCSE Information Options Evening via an online live event.

A recording of the event from Wednesday 7 February 2024 will be linked below, in addition to an electronic version of the Options Booklet and videos from all subjects on offer.

Students are advised to please take time to consider carefully your preferences and do not hesitate to ask for advice from your Form Tutor, Head of Year or Subject Teachers.

Welcome to the GCSE Options Process

Please see the recorded message from Mrs Moss, Associate Assitant Principal, outlining the process for selecting your preferred option choices.


Options Booklet

A link to the 2024 Options Booklet can be found below. If you would like a pritned copy, please ask your child to request one via reception.



Subject Presentations

Please follow the links below to view presentations of the subjects which may be studied at GCSE level; these will include the core subjects, plus the 'option' subjects,from which you will be able to select your preferences.

Art & Design





Computer Science


Creative iMedia





Hospitality & Catering

French & German




Graphic Products





Media Studies





Product Design


Religious Studies


Physical Education


Health & Social Care

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