DofE Silver Qualifying Expedition

Posted on 15th Jul 2024

As with the Silver practice expedition, the English weather was not kind to the DofE Silver Team for their qualifying expedition.

However, the Team proceeded to embrace the conditions, completing their expedition at the end of the May half-term.

They continued to develop as a team and enhanced the skills they had learning during their training and their practice expedition. From a group of young people, who had not really known each other well before starting their DofE journey, they developed into a well-meshed team, playing to each others strengths and weaknesses and having a lot of fun along the way, despite the weather.

The wind was bracing, to say the least and the rain, although no constant, did make an appearance on more than one occasion.

They started their expedition in Leiston, walking to Theberton and ended their expedition at Dunwich beach, via Sizewell, The wind at Sizewell beach provided some much needed entertainment and boosted spirits on the last day.

The team were a credit to the Academy and completed this section by presenting their experiences to the Year 9 Bronze Teams.

Well done Team!

Written by S Bisley
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