Italia 2024

Posted on 22nd Jul 2024

Last week, an enthusiastic group of 32 students and 5 staff members embarked on an exciting adventure to Italy, under the expert guidance of Mr. Abbas. This trip offered our students a unique opportunity to immerse themselves in the rich history, culture, and art of this beautiful country.

The first stop was (a very hot) Florence, the cradle of the Renaissance, where we spent two days exploring its magnificent sites. We marveled at the stunning architecture of the Florence Cathedral, with its iconic dome designed by Brunelleschi. The Galleria dell’Academia, home to masterpieces by Michelangelo, including his statue of David, Leonardo da Vinci, and Botticelli, was captivating. Climbing Giotto’s Campanile and walking through the charming streets of Florence, we soaked in the vibrant atmosphere and rich artistic heritage of this historic city.

On our way to Rome, the coach made a short stop in the medieval city of Siena. Here, many of us enjoyed eating outside at one of the trattoria in the famous Piazza del Campo, known for the annual Palio horse race. We were taken in by the Gothic architecture and the beautiful frescoes in the Siena Cathedral. This brief visit provided a perfect blend of relaxation and cultural enrichment.

The final destination was a 39° Rome, where we spent three days delving into the ancient wonders and vibrant life of Italy's capital. We stood in awe of the Colosseum, imagining the gladiatorial contests that once took place within its walls. A visit to the Roman Forum allowed us to walk in the footsteps of ancient Romans, experiencing firsthand the grandeur of the past.

A visit to Rome isn’t complete without a trip to Vatican City, the truly overwhelming size and scale of the Sistine Chapel and the vast collections of art and artifacts in the Vatican Museums is difficult to absorb in one visit. The students also took part in a treasure hunt through the medieval and Renaissance centre of Rome, searching for all of the many hiddens sights they might not otherwise have noticed. They took photos with the Trevi Fountain, the Pantheon, a lot of gelato, pasta, pizza, nuns, and much more.

This trip to Italy was more than just a sightseeing tour; it was a journey of discovery and learning. The students returned with a deeper appreciation for the history, religion, art, and culture, of this small part of Italy. Special thanks to Mr. Abbas and the dedicated staff members for organising and leading such a fantastic (if swealteringly hot) experience.

We look forward to more trips in the future, continuing our commitment to providing students with opportunities to learn beyond the classroom and explore the world.


Written by Andy Cole
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